The beautiful, sunny, dog days of summer are here, and I must admit, I am having a hard time tearing myself away from spending time in the garden, harvesting all the amazing food and watching the happy bees and hummingbirds do their work.
Alas, there has been much work to do, as we are hard at finalizing the schedule for this year’s exciting edition of Cornucopia. I’ve been working with a busy group of wine and beverage experts to put together a refreshed line up of beverage seminars, with some popular topics returning with new line-ups to taste, and many new things to discover. From bubbles to fortified wines, sake to beer to whisky (lots of whisky!), and wines from top BC wineries, our wonderful southern neighbour, California Wines, and all around the globe, there is something for everyone, truly.
I’m super thrilled to welcome back many of our favourite Chefs to the Culinary Stage this year, and extra excited to have my Chef Bestie, Quang Dang, of QD Hospitality teaming up with us as a featured Chef. We worked together as Chef and Wine Director back in our Whistler restaurant days, and now are back at it with Quang’s private catering company and our hospitality and consulting businesses. Those of you who may have braved pedalling up the Pemberton Meadows for Slow Food Cycle Sunday in the pouring rain would have seen how much fun we have entertaining you with great food, like we did up at Helmer’s Organics. There may even be some of those great potatoes and other Pemberton produce on the Culinary Stage this year!
While we get the last slots confirmed, including my own mid week seminar topics (always so much fun) I encourage you all to have a look through the schedule and start making your notes of what you’d like to attend. Tickets go on sale at 4pm September 5th, with limited amounts of early bird priced tickets on many events. Some seminars, including some of renowned wine educator DJ Kearney’s, and a one of our scotch seminars with James Bornn, all of which will feature some very rare and limited bottling, have very limited seats available so don’t delay!
On Sale Soon